Have you ever woken up from a wildly, vivid dream that felt so deeply real?
In this state, you wake up sweating or immediately lay your hands over you face, in disbelief for what occurred during your dream.
You could of have been flying among the stars, visiting a family member or friend in a familiar place, however there was just something different in this dream...
Let's dive into what is happening when we dream. 💤

REM (Rapid Eye Movement) Sleep
REM sleep is one of four stages of sleep. The most important stage when it comes to our dream state; repairing our bones, muscles, and tissues while we are in a deep deep sleep. During REM sleep, our muscles and limbs are in a paralyzed state in which changes occur in our brain signaling that cause reduced muscle tone in many of our body's muscles. This is a normal function of REM sleep.
REM sleep is also where our dreams occur. 🧠
I believe in this dream state we are traveling to higher dimensions, receiving information, symbols, messages that our subconscious mind is processing. There is magic when the road of science meets the road of spiritual. Unexplained events occur. If we are aware enough during our dream time we can bring these message back to our physical world and document them (dream journaling) in order to piece together our lives occurrences for deep meaning and understanding.
Have you ever dreamt of a family or friend that has passed in your dream? 🤍
I stated that our dream state is a connection to higher realms and I believe those who have passed, even angels are able to communicate with us in our dreams, to relay an important message for our journey in the physical world.
Prophetic Dreams 👁️
The term "prophetic dreams" seems to be a term that some may not they resonate with. I believe we experience aspects of prophetic dreams or intuitive visions and may just shrug this off. I have also met many individuals who pay no attention to their dream state. They are so immersed in the physical world that the dream realm is just the dream realm...who cares.
Through my experience of tapping into my dreams (consciously writing them down) I have learned that both of our physical and non physical worlds overlap.
There is a greater awareness that we have the opportunity to tap into.
Before we lay our heads to sleep it is important to set an intention in what we desire to be revealed to us in the dream realm. Document these symbols, messages, meetings with certain people...overtime you will realize there are deep answers being revealed to us.
In my YouTube video below ⬇️ I go deeper into what is occurring in our dream state. In this video I dive in:
What is happening to your body when you sleep?
Which reality is our "real" reality? The dream state or waking state.
What is Our Astral Body? 🧬
Prophetic Dreams and Visions 👁️
Interesting Topic On The Movie "Avatar" and its Similarity To Our Dream State 🔮
Lucid Dreaming & My Personal Lucid Dream Story 🧠
💤 Advice On Dream Journaling (so you can remember your dreams better) ✍🏾
I am now offering Reiki Energy Healings in the Twin Cities area in Minnesota (in person) & (distance healing) to those in any location in the world. Reiki healing transcends time and space. It has been a profound state of healing for me these past two years and I am passionate about stepping into my healing practice to aid you in your healing evolution.
Schedule a Reiki Session Here: (In Person & Distance Healing)
Contact 📧: avenuesofwisdom19@gmail.com for details or questions
Tune into my latest Youtube video below: