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What is Moon Bathing? 🌕 3 Intuitive Benefits of Soaking in the Moonlight


I had quite the experience bathing under the Aquarius Full Moon on August 1st, 2023.

My picture below: the the full super moon lit up the sky it reflected off my camera glass.

Intuitive messages are also intuitive signs. A child of the night she dreams awake, perhaps this is where she feels comfortable...bathing under the healing moonlight. 🌕

Last night I sat under the moonlight for around 20 minutes. Breathing deeply, sitting in presence before my night rest I imagined my dreams, goals, and wishes. Statements of affirmations to align my heart and soul. It was very powerful. Staring into the moonlight, dark roads, animals quite asleep. Moonlight filling the night sky as bats flew around the trees through the shining light. Magical.

I am a moon child born under the sign of cancer. 🦀 Ancient cultures (Ayurveda, Indian healing practice) valued the art of moon bathing for hundreds of years. Noting the power for the moon's influence on the shifting of tides of waves, affecting water's emotions. I feel this deeply each month as the moon waxes and wanes, so do my emotional states.

1. Intuitive Benefit of Moon Bathing: Syncing of Menstrual Cycle and Fertility 🌹

My cycle has now synced with the phases of the moon. A process that has been ongoing for 3 years naturally healing my cycle with holistic methods and awareness of honoring the phases and lunar cycles into my daily routine and lifestyle.

Indicators of going with the flow. Moon has been linked to the (left) female side of the brain, connecting with a woman's hormonal hub (menstrual cycle, pituitary gland, breasts, ovaries). Intention filled with moon bathing, this light can bring in more of a balance into a woman's cycle and overall fertility.

We live in a masculine world.

Women have grown to unconsciously settle into masculine energy, challenging the demands of a working 9-5, 7-3, 8-4 (you get what I mean). Women run on 28 day cycles. Men run on 24 hours cycles.

Acknowledging our feminine energy, slowing down, nurturing our family and children, and connecting with our intuition is one of the most powerful practices women can implement in today's world. Awareness and intention of this practice is ongoing process for me right now as well.

Fertility calls for presence.

I feel in every aspect she is calling us to slow down and reflect. Thanks to the moonlight, or moon bathing we can connect with her consciously throughout the month.

2. Intuitive Benefit of Moon Bathing: Deeper Connection with Our Gut Instinct (We Are More Than Our 5 Senses) 🧠

Deeper intuitive connection with our gut. I believe we are all awakening to the fact that we are more than our five senses.

The profound gut feeling we should take an exit off the freeway sooner than expected.

Thoughts of a friend you haven't seen in awhile and they message you out of the blue.

Feeling a room's energy is off and you leave before an event occurs.

Feeling your loved one call for you after they have passed.

Whispers in the morning and night that call for your attention.

We are far greater than our five senses. 🪄

Connecting and bathing under the moonlight can unite us deeper with our intuition and extrasensory perception. I believe this is very useful in your day to day routine. How powerful it can be to acknowledge greater aspects of yourself.

I challenge you to connect more intently with the moonlight moving forward. 🌕

3. Intuitive Benefit of Moon Bathing: Expanding Your Dream 💭 State 💤

I foresureeeee dream.

If you are reading this I'm sure you experience these alternate realities as well. If you do not remember you dreams, there is a version of you that does. Become conscious to tap in with intention before you lay your head to rest each night. Speak this out loud. Allow the enchanting dream landscapes to unfold. 🗻

Connection to the night is a sacred practice. Staring at the moon as it is waning, waxing, as it is full can really be an experience. I have seen it blur, shake, glow, expand, however you can encounter states of lightheadedness during this practice.

It happened to me last night . I just had to feel the grass to ground.

Always bring your water with you to hydrate as you moon bath. 🚰

Feel the effects of the moon when you return inside.

If you feel called to keep a dream journal, please do. I have one right next to my bedside.

Moon Bathing is a Powerful Practice

  • Moonlight is Reflected Sunlight ---> Increases Vitamin D Levels

  • Sooth Feelings of Stress

  • Invoke Calm and Peaceful States (you will feel this as soon as you come back inside your home)

  • Boost Nitric Oxide to Help Regulate Blood Flow & Decrease Blood Pressure

A few times a month see if your night routine allows you 5-10 minutes in the moonlight.

Sitting on your porch or grass before your rest. I usually track the lunar phases and do this during the new moon and full moon.

Magic of the moon bathes all around us as our blessings unfold.

May you have a beautiful month of August. There are two full moons this month. 🌕

I feel it is taking us on a very healing, transformative theme scape.

Until the next message...✍🏽


Kim 🌹


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